Friday 23 January 2015

The Universal Law of Reflection

As above, so below

Everything you see in your world is a reflection of that which you hold within yourself. This concept can be difficult to accept as human beings have a tendency, a default setting, to search for external fault or cause for the circumstances of their world and their lives. Acceptance of this fact is the crucial first step towards taking control and having true influence over the events in your life and in your world.

It is your energy, your vibration, sent forth by way of thoughts, feelings and actions that create your external world. Likewise your external world beams back and impacts and molds your internal world. This is the revolving door of unconscious creation. The external locus of control that keeps us stuck in repeating patterns and undesirable cycles of creation. But you are the source of it all and true acceptance of this fact is integral to affect true and everlasting change.

When you begin to diligently observe, acknowledge and direct your internal world, your thoughts, feelings and actions you will begin to see changes in the external world. When you begin to specify and refine your thoughts, feelings and actions you will have the power to create your life, your world anew.

Every situation in your life presents you with an opportunity to learn something about yourself. If you are angry or pleased with a person or a situation resist the temptation to blindly react, turn your vision inward and examine where this anger or pleasure lies within you, what are its roots? Any stimulation, positive or negative is a beautiful gift to locate, heal or affirm a part of your internal world. A gift that also affords you the opportunity to choose your response, your thoughts, feelings and actions and therein lies your true innate power.

Kirtikar, M, 2002, 'Flowing With the Universal Laws: Cosmic Laws, Universal Laws, Subsiduary Laws', AuthorHouse, Bloomington, Indiana.
Myss, C, 1997, ‘Anatomy of the Spirit: The seven states of power and healing’, Transworld Publishers, London. 

By Copyright 2002, Ryan Holliday (Wrh2). The original image can be found at [1]. (Own work) [GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons 

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