Friday 23 January 2015

The Sacral Chakra

This is the second of the 7 major chakras.  The sacral chakra is located in the genital region, between the pelvic bone and the navel.  This chakra is linked to the gonads and is often called the sexual chakra. It is symbolised by the 6 petaled lotus, coloured orange or vermillion.   Each of the 6 petals has an associated quality - indulgence, suspicion, disdain, delusion, all-destructiveness and pitilessness.  These are the negative qualities one must overcome and transform to achieve clarity of purpose and true consciousness.

The sacral chakra has the elemental quality of water and is therefore considered the chakra of emotions and centre of karmic activation.   As energy travels from the base chakra to the sacral chakra it divides and takes on a dual nature, sometimes referred to as yin/yang, ida/pingala, receptive/expressive.  This duality assists in the interpretation of the events in one’s internal and external world and it is through the sacral chakra fuelled by our emotional responses that we express our reactions to these events.  

Yin energy is receptive and facilitates the interpretation of one’s own feelings and creative drive while also facilitating one’s interpretation of the feelings of others.  Yang is expressive and facilitates the expression of one’s feelings. As one interprets and responds to inner and outer stimuli the interpretation and resulting choices create one’s personal identity and reality.  The universal law or reflection states that everything you see in your world is a reflection, and intimate projection of that which you hold within yourself and the ultimate goal is to respond rather than react.

Burrow, P, 2010, ‘NeuroPower: An exploration of human personality, integration, consciousness and nobility through application of the four maxims of 
NeuroPower’, Copernicus Publishing, Blackburn North, Victoria, Australia.
Dale, C, 2009, ‘The Subtle Body: An encyclopedia of your energy anatomy’, Sounds True Inc, Boulder, Colorado.
Eden, D, 2008, ‘Energy Medicine: Balancing your bodies energies for optimal health, joy and vitality’, Tarcher/Penguin, New York, New York. 
Goswami, SS, 1999, ‘Layayoga: The definitive guide to the chakras and kundalini’, Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont.
King, S, 2006, 'Light Code Activations', Evenstar Creations, Whajatane, New Zealand.
Maheshwarananda, PS, 2000, ‘Yoga in Daily Life: The system’, Ibera Verlag/University Press, Vienna.
Myss, C, 1997, ‘Anatomy of the Spirit: The seven states of power and healing’, Transworld Publishers, London.

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