Sunday 28 December 2014

The Base Chakra

This is the first of the 7 major chakras located within the body.  Specifically the base chakra is located at the base of the spine at the perineum.  It is symbolised by a red four petal lotus as pictured above.  The base chakra is related to the adrenal glands and kidneys. The base chakra forms the connection between our subtle energies and the earth and it is through this chakra that we ‘ground’ ourselves.  If the body is the vehicle of physical existence then the base chakra is the driver’s seat.

The base chakra facilitates one’s sense of belonging and understanding of their role in life.  It functions to assist in defining one's membership in a community through specific social roles and goals.  A well balanced base chakra leads to a sense of being the master of one’s physical and emotional behaviour, a deep understanding of your place in the world and the ability to readily adapt to change.

The four petals of the base chakra lotus are said to represent the psychological states of the greatest joy, natural pleasure, delight in controlling passion and blissfulness in concentration.  When these states are fully achieved and when one is fully grounded in the base chakra it is truly possible to realise the divine in the physical body.  

Burrow, P, 2010, ‘NeuroPower: An exploration of human personality, integration, consciousness and nobility through application of the four maxims of NeuroPower’, Copernicus Publishing, Blackburn North, Victoria, Australia.
Dale, C, 2009, ‘The Subtle Body: An encyclopedia of your energy anatomy’, Sounds True Inc, Boulder, Colorado.
Eden, D, 2008, ‘Energy Medicine: Balancing your bodies energies for optimal health, joy and vitality’, Tarcher/Penguin, New York, New York. 
Goswami, SS, 1999, ‘Layayoga: The definitive guide to the chakras and kundalini’, Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont.
Maheshwarananda, PS, 2000, ‘Yoga in Daily Life: The system’, Ibera Verlag/University Press, Vienna.
Myss, C, 1997, ‘Anatomy of the Spirit: The seven states of power and healing’, Transworld Publishers, London.

Hello and welcome

Hello and welcome to Omkara Kinesiology. My name is Candy Blackwell, I am a Kinesiologist and Registered Nurse with 12 years’ experience working in health care, and a Master’s degree in Mental Health Nursing.

I discovered Kinesiology by way of my desire to practice a healing modality that is both gentle and highly effective. My Kinesiologist and teacher Jo Smith, through her profound kinesiology balances assisted me to move many significant emotional blockages. This was the catalyst for my metamorphosis into the person I am so proud to be today.

In April of 2012 I commenced my study in Kinesiology and in April 2013 I was able to register with the Australian Kinesiology Association and begin my practice. I am now inviting new clients and look forward to helping them on their journey to holistic health. My aim is to build a thriving practice that allows me to realise my potential as a healer and help hundreds of people find optimal health and well-being.

At this point in my Kinesiology journey I have had many balances, and as a result I am a completely different person. When I think back to my mental state and level of consciousness prior to kinesiology it is difficult to remember my life. I was on autopilot.

Kinesiology has not only provided me with a new career direction but it has also reduced my fear and anxiety and increased my self-confidence. In February 2013, Candy Blackwell, a girl who was extremely frightened of heights, completed a tandem skydive. This is a feat I would never have attempted previously. Like the title of Susan Jeffers book ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’, this is how I approached my skydive and any other challenges life presents to me. I have set my intention to live consciously, to be gentle with myself, acknowledge my power, and embrace challenges with courage and integrity.

Through this blog I hope to share my experiences and knowledge with those who are on their own personal journey of transformation and self-discovery.