Friday 13 March 2015

What's in a name

About the name and logo...

Omkara (OM) is the original primordial sound vibration that filled the great void and from which all creation emanated. Omkara is the reflection of the absolute reality, it is without beginning or end and embraces all that exists. Omkara is the vibration of the Supreme and represents the divine energy united in its three elementary aspects: creation, preservation and liberation.

The red swirl in the logo is the golden ratio, phi 1.618. It has been suggested that phi is a blueprint for the universe. The golden ratio manifests throughout the natural world in the spirals of the Milky Way galaxy, in the physical forms of the plant and animal kingdoms, even in the spirals of our DNA.

Kinesiology is a complementary health system that assists people with a wide range of aliments. It is a stress management tool that uses muscle monitoring and gentle correction techniques to assists clients to create health and well-being in their bodies and ultimately transform their lives.

Creation * Manifestation * Transformation

Sanskrit symbol OM 

Diagram of the Golden Ratio